Albuquerque Transvaginal Mesh Lawyer

The Branch Law Firm is collecting and reviewing important information associated with vaginal mesh. If you or a loved one has experienced complications from the use of transvaginal mesh please contact one of our Albuquerque product liability lawyers to review your possible claim for injuries; you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

Albuquerque Transvaginal Mesh Attorney

If you or a loved is suffering complications due to transvaginal mesh, reach out to our dedicated team of attorneys in Albuquerque to get experts legal guidance and support. We clearly understand the complexities of product liability cases involving vaginal mesh and are committed to helping you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.


Complications and FDA Hearing

The FDA is holding a hearing on September 8th and 9th to decide on stricter safety measures and a possible recall for the harmful product that is primarily used for pelvic organ prolapse. Other names for this product are the pelvic sling and bladder mesh. Problems that have been reported to the FDA include:

In July 2011 the FDA warned doctors that in most cases pelvic organ prolapse can be treated successfully without implanting transvaginal mesh. Furthermore, mesh products “may expose patients to greater risk” than traditional repairs without mesh, FDA staff said, adding they have “not seen conclusive evidence” of improved clinical outcomes with the devices.

We can help you by reviewing your claim on a contingency fee basis. There are no fees to you if there is no settlement. Please contact us by filling out our short contact form located on this page or by calling us toll-free at 1 (800) 828-4529

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