Albuquerque Talcum Powder Lawyer

Talcum Powder is made from Talc, a basic magnesium silicate that is mined from the earth. It is known to be the softest mineral on earth. Talc is an inorganic mineral meaning that it did not come from anything that was living, i.e. humans, animals, or plants. Talcum Powder is commonly the main ingredient in Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower products.

Albuquerque Talcum Powder Attorney to Get Justice for Ovarian Cancer Victims

It has been known since the 1970s that Talcum Powder use around the female genitalia—the perineal region—directly correlates to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Even though it has been known to be a cancer-causing substance since the 1970s, and confirmed by more than twenty scientific studies since then, Johnson & Johnson still claims their product is safe and refuses to warn consumers or take its products off the market.

If you, a friend, or loved one used Johnson & Johnson’s Talcum Powder products and has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, please contact the Branch Law Firm at 1 (800) 828-4529 or fill out a contact form to speak with one of our Albuquerque personal injury lawyers.

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