New Reports Link Avandia To Increased Risk Of Heart Attack

This past week new studies reported that Avandia poses a substantially greater risk of heart attacks for its users. Avandia is a diabetes drug prescribed to thousands of diabetics in New Mexico and throughout the United States.

In one study, published by the AMA, researchers studied more than 227,000 people who took Avandia and found a significantly increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and death.

In another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, confirmed Steven Nissen’s 2007 report indicating that Avandia can increase the risk of heart attack by 43%.

However, recent statements by the FDA indicate that even where studies indicate a product is dangerous, little urgency exists to remove it. The head of the FDA’s drug approval division, Janet Woodcock defends Avandia’s safety, stating its benefits still outweigh its risk. With Avandia, several years of reports and thousands of lawsuits have provided both concrete and anecdotal evidence of the potentially fatal side effects of the drug.

With the FDA slated to make a decision on removing this dangerous drug from the marketplace within the month, our Albuquerque dangerous drug attorneys are hopeful these studies will sway them to take action and recall Avandia before more consumers are put at risk or suffer fatal consequences.

For more information, or if you or a loved one has taken Avandia, please contact the Branch Law Firm today.

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