Trucks, trucks, and more trucks.

If you are a repeat commuter of the big-eye, also known as Interstate 40 and Interstate 25, then you know that the highway is filled with big rigs. Semi-trucks are large and take up a big portion of the road. Even if you drive carefully a collision may occur and often do because of the careless, reckless, or negligent driving of a tractor-trailer operator. You need to speak with an Albuquerque truck accident attorney at the Branch Law Firm. We are trained to handle collisions with big rigs and will work hard for you or a loved one to obtain a fair and reasonable monetary award for your catastrophic injuries.

There are many important federal and state regulations that truck drivers must follow. We will investigate your case tirelessly to make sure the negligent party does not get out of their bad choices easily.

Call today to speak with a friendly Branch Law Firm staff member. We are compassionate and care for the people who navigate the big-I with care and attention.

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