Medical Malpractice Reform Should Focus On Patient Safety

Medical Malpractice reform has been receiving much attention recently with the introduction of H.R. 5, which seeks to impose national tort reform measures, including the imposition of caps on non-economic damages as well as potentially taking away the right to trial by jury in some medical malpractice cases.

As New Mexico medical malpractice lawyers, we believe such measures often fail to address the real issue – patients safety. Study after study shows that patients suffer significant harm and costs in hospitals due to adverse reactions from dangerous drugs, infections, surgical errors, and unnecessary procedures. Rather than limiting victims’ access to justice, more focus must be placed on improving patient safety and ensuring that those responsible for causing harm be held accountable.

Recent examples include the DePuy Hip, now shown to leak dangerous chemicals into the bodies of recipients. Often, the only way to get companies to remove dangerous products from the marketplace and be compensated for the harm caused is through litigation. Capping our damages or limiting access to the courtroom will remove an important incentive to improving the safety of our health care.

The Albuquerque medical malpractice lawyers at the Branch Law Firm support all efforts to improve patient safety and reduce the incidence of medical malpractice and harm caused as the result of defective medical devices and dangerous drugs. It is crucial that those injured not be limited in their access to justice or compensation for their injuries.

If you believe you or a family member has been harmed as the result of any type of medical malpractice, please contact our Albuquerque personal injury attorneys at the Branch Law Firm. We can help you get the settlement or award you deserve.

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