New Mexico State Employees can sue State Agencies

Government employees working in New Mexico will now be able to bring a lawsuit before the New Mexico court system. It is important to hold state agencies acting negligent accountable and with the diligent work done by the Attorneys at the Branch Law Firm client Sarah Quintero, 53, who sustained a compound leg fracture in 2006 when she fell into an 18-inch chuckhole in an unlit state Department of Transportation parking lot will now be able to file a lawsuit against the state agency.

Quintero sued in state District Court, but because she had worked for the state Department of Public Safety, the judge ruled she fell under the Workers Compensation Act and dismissed her complaint. In the most recent case, a divided New Mexico Court of Appeals reversed a state District Court’s dismissal of a personal injury suit brought by Quintero.

The decision was hailed as a victory by Frank Balderrama of the Branch Law Firm, who represents Quintero. “Now Ms. Quintero can go after DOT for their negligence,” he said.

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