Albuquerque Motorcycle Crash On Dangerous S Curve Underscores Need For Safety Improvements

Albuquerque’s “S Curve” – the section of Universe Boulevard near Volcano Vista High School has long been known as a dangerous stretch. Sunday night’s motorcycle crash, which occurred when a motorcyclist crashed into an SUV at the curve, re-ignited the debate between Albuquerque Public School and city officials over when the improvements will be made.

The curve is a dangerous stretch. It’s heavily traveled – located close to an elementary school, middle school, a high school, and soccer fields. It is also poorly lit and cars can have difficulty staying in one lane while negotiating the turn. If a driver fails to maneuver properly, he or she can easily end up in a head-on collision with another vehicle traveling the opposite direction. A crash can happen in an instant, but the injuries may last a lifetime.

Sunday’s accident underscored the need for safety improvements along this road – including better lighting and improved signage. School board officials clashed with the Mayor’s office over when these improvements will be made. Hopefully, the changes will come soon.

The S curve accident is a critical reminder that road conditions – including their design and maintenance can be significant factors in causing car accidents. As a result, those responsible for the design and maintenance may be held liable for injuries received in automobile, trucking, and motorcycle accidents, significantly affecting the compensation an injured party may recover.

If you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle or car crash, an experienced Albuquerque motorcycle accident attorney can help evaluate all the factors surrounding the incident and fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. As Albuquerque car accident attorneys, we are hopeful that the safety measures along the S curve will be implemented soon, making at least one Albuquerque road safer for all drivers.

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