Harvard Study Links Avandia To Increased Risk of Heart Attack

A soon-to-be-published report by the American Diabetes Association has found that the number of heart attacks by diabetic patients who took Avandia is double that of those who took a different oral diabetic medication. In the study, Harvard University researchers analyzed clinical data from more than 26,375 patients from 2000 to 2006 in the Boston area who took at least one oral diabetes medication. Of these patients, the incidence of heart attack among Avandia users was more than double that of those who used a different drug.

Further, a jointly sponsored study by both GlaxoSmithKline and i3 Drug Safety showed that diabetic patients who took Avandia had a 35-41% increased risk of heart attack over users of Actos, Avandia’s main competitor.

These findings reinforce the claims of thousands of former users – that Avandia causes serious illnesses and complications, including heart attack and death, within an already vulnerable population. In fact, over 13,000 former Avandia users have filed claims against GlaxoSmithKline in both Federal and State courts as the result of significant illnesses and complications.

However, despite these known, life-threatening dangers associated with Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline still continues to market and sell the drug, placing thousands of people at risk. This is unacceptable.

As concerned New Mexico dangerous drug attorneys, we believe GlaxoSmithKline must be held accountable – both financially and legally – for continuing to market a drug that has been shown in study after study to increase the risk of death.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious health complications as a result of Avandia or other dangerous drugs, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.

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