Category: Personal Injury

Zimmer NexGen Knee Recall Urged Due To Component Problems

Several physicians are urging a Zimmer NexGen Knee recall as the result of serious problems and component failures in the knee, requiring additional surgeries. The FDA has recalled some of the components following several lawsuits concerning the Zimmer NexGen CR-Flex knee failure rate. In fact, a prominent consultant for Zimmer recently went public stating that… read more

Topamax Linked To Birth Defects

The New York Times reports that Topamax, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, has been linked to birth defects, such as a higher risk of developing cleft lips and palates, genital malformations, and cranial malformations. Topamax is an anti-seizure and migraine drug used in the treatment of migraines and epilepsy. It is also used in the… read more